
  • The Best Spanish Christmas Books to Read this Season

    Navidad, Navidad, ¡ya es Navidad! Hello, most wonderful time of the year! I always love a good Spanish children’s book roundup, but a roundup of Spanish CHRISTMAS books? I mean, it might as well be covered in twinkle lights! 

    mom and toddler laughing with Spanish Christmas books in front

    As I’ve been working with Read On Arizona to share the Smart Talk / Conversar para Aprender initiative, I’ve really been trying to think of how to use these strategies in my own family over the holidays. They’re all simple (but significant!), so they’re easy to incorporate into our daily routine even during this busy time of year:

    1. Describe
    2. Ask
    3. Respond
    4. Read
    5. Repeat

    (You can see more detailed descriptions of the 5 strategies here!)

    As for me and my family, for the next few weeks we’ll be focusing heavily on strategy #4: read! Reading with your baby or toddler is such a simple way to introduce new and unusual words and build vocabulary. And books and stories are also an ideal way to introduce concepts like Christmas, Santa, or snow (for us desert dwellers) to these little humans who are still learning!

    mom and toddler reading Spanish Christmas book together

    I know lots of families who do an advent calendar with books, where the kids open one wrapped Christmas book each day of December. I think that’s so lovely! Personally, I have not reached that level of #momgoals yet, but I DO have my stack of Spanish Christmas books ready to read with my two chiquitas this month.

    Here are a few of our favorites, in case you’d like to look for them online or at the library!


    La Navidad del camioncito azul by Alice Schertle and Jill McElmurry

    I’m going to tell you right now that the best part of this book is that the last page actually lights up with real-life lights. Such a crowd pleaser! This cute Christmas board book also doubles as counting practice for the littlest niños, as el camioncito azul delivers Christmas trees (and cheer!) to his animal friends.

    La historia de la Navidad text by various authors, art by Robert Sabuda

    Small disclaimer here that this one is on the expensive side, but if you love books that are beautiful then it’s definitely worth checking out! This book tells the story of the birth of Jesus, and what makes it really special are the gorgeous, intricate pop-up scenes. It’s the perfect book to tell this Bible story, and so lovely that you’ll be excited to pull it out each Christmas. (This one is probably best reserved for older kids who won’t be tempted to rip out the pop-ups.)

    La mejor Navidad by Chih-Yuan Chen

    It’s a going to be a small Christmas at the Oso house this year, since Papá Oso has lost his job and money is tight. But to everyone’s surprise, on Christmas morning there is a present under the tree for each member of the family— and not just any present, but a cherished item they thought they had lost! Who could have left them there? Observant readers will love helping the Oso family solve the mystery. 🙂 I love this story for its message that gifts don’t have to be expensive (in fact, they don’t have to cost anything at all). The most important thing is to give thoughtfully and from the heart!

    La primera Navidad de los elfos by Atsuko Morozumi

    After finding their woodland village suddenly invaded by woodcutters, the elves wander in search of a new home. Just when they’re starting to give up hope of ever finding a good place in the winter cold and snow, they spot the inviting lights of a small farm. If you’ve guessed that the farm belongs to Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, you’re right! This is the charming story of the elves’ first Christmas with Santa and how they were able to lend a helping hand.

    Ya llegan los Reyes Magos  by Georgina Lázaro León

    I love this book for so many reasons! This rhyming story is set in Puerto Rico, and takes us through one small boy’s day of preparing for el Día de los Reyes. First he has to write to the Reyes, there’s a whole day of cooking, and then everyone in the family goes to find “la hierba más fresca y más verde” to leave for the camels. And at the end of the night? “Unos partirán temprano / después de comer bizcocho / pero otros esperarán / a que esté listo el sancocho.” Highly recommended and a great option for talking about Día de los Reyes traditions!

    El milagro de la primera flor de Nochebuena by Joanne Oppenheim

    Ok, I don’t know why this book is priced at $105, but I found a copy for the extravagant price of FREE at my local library. I’m including it here in case you happen to spot it anywhere for less than a Benjamin! And also because this is a great version of the traditional Mexican tale about how the poinsettia plant, which folks all over the world use to decorate at Christmas, first came to be. Bonus points for the artwork which I think is really lovely.

    The Christmas Gift / El regalo de Navidad by Francisco Jiménez

    I hadn’t heard of this one until I asked for your favorite Spanish Christmas books over on Instagram, and what a find it turned out to be! Author Francisco Jimenez based this this story on his own experience as the child of migrant farmworkers. Our protagonist, Panchito, learns that even though he will not be getting the present he would like for Christmas, the best gift of all is his family’s ability to be thankful for the blessings they have. Although they have so little in material possessions, what they do have is love for each other and willingness to sacrifice for a better life. This one is bilingual (English text on one side, Spanish on the other) and you proooobably want to have a box of tissues handy if you read it.

    El expreso polar by Chris Van Allsburg

    The Spanish translation of this classic Christmas tale follows a young boy as he boards a magical train on Christmas Eve. Bitterly skeptical of the existence of Santa Claus, his journey to the North Pole and eventual meeting of Santa (with many adventures along the way), helps him become a believer. This one is a sweet story, and pairs very nicely with the Polar Express movie if you’re planning to watch it this season!


    ‘Twas Nochebuena by Roseanne Greenfield Thong (English with sprinkles of Spanish)

    This rhyming book takes us through a traditional Mexican Nochebuena celebration! We follow a family through tasty tamale-making, to the posadas that start when it’s dark, and then to a piñata where “a shower of candy soon falls to el suelo / we chase after gum and sweet caramelo.” And after the midnight feast has been served and all of the gifts have been unwrapped, it’s time to wish everyone “Feliz Navidad and to all a good night!”

    A Piñata in a Pine Tree: A Latino Twelve Days of Christmas by Pat Mora (English with sprinkles of Spanish)

    Who can help but sing along to The 12 Days of Christmas? Though this book is mostly in English, there are things to find and count in Spanish on every page, from burritos bailando to lunitas cantando! This is a lovely Latinx twist on the traditional folk song, and my favorite part is the sweet surprise ending as the narrator’s secret amiga, who has been sending her gifts all along, is revealed. The artwork is really great in this one and (fun fact!) was done by Magaly Morales, the sister of one of my favorite author/illustrators, Yuyi Morales!

    toddler reading Spanish Christmas book

    Thanks so much to those of you who sent me your favorite Spanish Christmas books via social media! And if I’m missing any great ones, please comment and let me know so I can add them to the list!

    This post is sponsored by Read On Arizona, an organization that shares my enthusiasm for helping parents raise readers. 


  • Spanish Children’s Books for Back to School

    Ahh, September, the season of newly sharpened pencils and lunch boxes that don’t yet smell faintly of old sandwich. We’re pretty firmly back in the school routine (having started school in early August, what up AZ?). But I feel like September is the REAL back to school month and we’re still figuring out new routines and new relationships.

    Because my oldest is only in preschool a couple of mornings a week for a few hours, it kind of feels like we’re just playing dress-up with the idea of having school-age kids. And I’m ok with that! I don’t mind one little bit waiting a couple more years to have to get everyone fed, dressed and out of the house by 7:30 am (no por favoooor).

    But regardless of whether your chiquitín/a is starting preschool or kindergarten & beyond, any of these books would be perfect to read as you nail the back to school thing.

    Soy demasiado pequeña para ir al colegio by Lauren Child

    It’s time for Tolola to go to school, but she’s not so sure school’s for her. Luckily, her brother Juan is around to show her the ropes. There’s really one major hurdle by the first day: how will Tolola go to school without Soren Lorensen, her imaginary friend? What if no one sits by her at lunch?! Fun fact, I had no idea that Juan and Tolola first existed in English as Charlie and Lola (and I’m still perplexed that someone felt the need to change “Lola” to “Tolola” for the Spanish version).

    Mi maestra es un monstruo (No es cierto) by Peter Brown

    Roberto has the worst teacher: she’s so scary and mean, in fact, he’s pretty sure she’s a monster. Thankfully he only has to see her at school, until one weekend she shows up in Roberto’s favorite park! Love this one for teaching that most people are pretty wonderful if you just take the time to get to know them a little better. (And also for teaching the shocking news that teachers exist OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL, gasp!)

    Ruby, mono ve, mono hace by Peggy Rathmann

    When my high school best friend found out I was starting a business selling Spanish children’s books, she mailed me this one because she loves it so much. Ruby is the new girl in school, and she has a lot of similarities to Angela. What a coincidence! At first, Angela is flattered when Ruby shows up at school wearing all the same clothes she wears… but it gets old fast. Their teacher, la señorita Lara, takes matters into her own hands as she tries to teach Ruby a very important lesson (summarized by that quote that somebody made famous): “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

    El primer día de escuela de Chu by Neil Gaiman

    It’s Chu’s first day of school, and (like most kids), he’s a little nervous about how it’s going to go. His main worry, of course, is whether he will make friends. At school, the teacher asks everyone to introduce themselves and talk about what they really like to do. And it turns out Chu’s answer to the question is rather unusual!

    Un beso en mi mano by Audrey Penn

    This sweet story is perfect for little students that feel nervous about the first day of school. Chester el Mapache doesn’t want to go to school—he’d rather stay home, see his friends, and play with his toys! But then his Mami shows him a special secret that will let him feel her love as he ventures out into the world. This adorable little trick might be just perfect for real-life kids that feel similarly apprehensive about leaving home all day long.

    Y ahora cuenten— any favorite back to school books I’m missing? I’d love to add more to the list!

    Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that if you click a link and make a purchase I may get a (very) small commission. It won’t change how much you pay for an item.


  • A Spanish Reading Challenge

    Perla and I first met on a hot Saturday morning in July. It was the first week of the Arizona Latino Bloggers workshop, and the second I heard her intro I liked her so much. Let me tell you about how we decided to do a Spanish reading challenge together!

    Perla blogs at, where she writes about how being a Chicana influences her motherhood and shares beautiful pictures of her family (she’s also a photographer). As the weeks went on and we saw each other Saturday after Saturday, I learned that she has two little kids about the same ages as mine (and is pregnant again!). Perla is completely bilingual, and spoke to her oldest daughter in Spanish at first, but over time their family language shifted to English. One day while we were talking, she mentioned that she’d love to be more intentional about teaching her kids Spanish and I was like “!!!”

    So we decided to try something.

    Here’s what we came up with for our Spanish reading challenge:

    1. I would send Perla three Sol Book Boxes (one per week) to open with her kids.
    2. For those three weeks, she would commit to reading in Spanish with her kids for at least 15 minutes each day (choosing from the books I sent as well as from books they owned and library books).

    I was (and am) sooo excited about this reading project, because I absolutely know that reading in Spanish has played a HUGE role in my children’s language journey. Here’s how I thought it could help Perla’s family: first, it gets kids and parents into the habit of speaking in Spanish to each other. If you’ve just finished reading a book in Spanish, odds are very good that you’ll continue to speak in Spanish for at least a while afterward.

    And secondly, reading in Spanish builds vocabulary, which is crucial to helping kids feel confident in their ability to fully express themselves. And that’s true for parents, too! I can point to books that taught my daughter words that she now uses all the time, but I can also remember exactly which of her picture books taught ME new vocab (looking at you, “meadow”). Even if Spanish is your first language, like it is for Perla and me, if you’ve been in the U.S. for a while surrounded by English speakers it’s easy to forget things you once knew.

    We’re on week two of the three-week challenge, and it was so fun to hear from Perla last week about how things were going (if you follow the Sol Book Box Instagram, you may have caught my Instagram Live with her last Saturday). Once we finish I’ll do a second post with what we learned, but for now I want to encourage you to do your own Spanish reading challenge with your kids! We chose three weeks because 1) that’s a length of time that feels doable and 2. the three-month Sol Book Box subscription is our most popular one.

    15 minutes is about how long it takes us to read a couple of picture books, and it goes by so fast but the benefits linger. ¡Avísenme si se animan a intentarlo con sus familias!

    (All photos by Perla of her daughter Yari (isn’t she the cutest!))


  • 4 Books for Father’s Day

    Here is how it works in my family: my dad reads a book, then he lends it to my grandpa, who eventually passes it on to my uncle or my brothers. Sometimes it makes its way through the women in our family too, if it doesn’t have lots of swearing. 🙂

    The men in my family are big readers, but it wasn’t until I started thinking about writing this post that I realized… I’m not exactly sure what they read? (Apparently non-fiction and thrillers.)

    So in honor of Father’s Day, I decided to think about some man-friendly books I’ve read and tell you about them in case you 1) are a man or 2) know a man. I think these would be great Father’s Day gifts for husbands or dads or abuelos!

    And, as I’ve mentioned before, if kids don’t see Dad reading, they probably won’t be that excited about it either. You know, in case you need some motivation.

    Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande

    I read this book and then kept recommending it to people (“What’s it about?” “Well… death? But it’s really good! Not as depressing as that sounds!”). Listen, it has more than 6,000 five star reviews on Amazon so, you know, I’m not the only one that thought it was great. Atul Gawande is a doctor as well as an incredibly talented writer. This book focuses on how medicine can not only provide quality of life, but also a satisfying end of life when that time comes (due to either old age or illness). Soooo interesting!

    Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J. D. Vance

    I read this one shortly after #45 was elected president because it got a TON of publicity during his presidential run. I’m obviously not his fan, but I was interested in this book because I’d heard it gives some insight into the lives of the white working class Americans who voted him into office. And it was, in fact, very interesting and eye-opening (sometimes violent and troubling, too). It reads like a novel and is an honest, yet compassionate, look at a segment of the American population I didn’t know much about. Fair warning that there is lots of swearing in this one.

    Things a Little Bird Told Me: Creative Secrets from the Co-Founder of Twitter by Biz Stone

    I’m not really a Twitter user, but I thought this book was so fascinating. I think most people are familiar with Twitter to some extent, but it’s so cool to see how it got off the ground and what the founders’ original intentions for the platform were. Also, Biz Stone is a delightfully funny writer, and the way he writes about creativity was so inspiring! In fact just writing this summary makes me want to read this book again.

    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

    I’m straying from the non-fiction titles with this book because I think everyone should read it, and also because there was no way I was going to make this list and not put any books by Latin American authors on it (Brazil represent!). “The Alchemist” tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who embarks on a journey to find treasure (but not the kind he thinks he’ll find, as it turns out). This is a super quick read, but it definitely leaves you thinking and inspired.

    Also! For busy men who just don’t have time to sit down with a book, getting these on audiobook is a great option (because nothing is worse than picking someone the perfect book and seeing it a year later, sitting sad and unread with dust on the cover).


  • The Easiest Summer Alphabet Activity for Preschoolers

    “Maaaaagic letter rabbit,” intones Miss Nicole (aka “la señora de story time”), “What is the letter of the week?!”

    Our closest library is small and, compared to others around, has few toys & games. Still, we prefer it to any of the bigger, newer ones mainly because of Miss Nicole’s story time (also because it’s one block from our house).

    As she leads the crowded room in an enthusiastic round of clue guessing to figure out the letter of the week, I think (not for the first time) that I have been slacking a little on mom-led educational activities for my girls.

    When my oldest daughter was born, I had a full Pinterest board of things to do to improve motor skills, teach letter recognition, etc. etc. Being a rather precocious child (as well as an only child), she talked early, learned her letters young, and in general required very little from me to become pre-literate.

    Then I had my second kid!

    And even though hija mayor (now 3) goes to preschool twice a week, the other day she momentarily confused a letter she used to know perfectly. Cue the mom-guilt!

    So I figured that the start of summer vacation was an ideal time to dust off my Pinterest board and figure out a plan for summer now that all of the learning is on me again for a couple of months.

    From past experience I know that I can only set myself up for success if this kind of activity is simple (for me) and relatively quick. This Letra de la Semana sequence is both of those things, and perfect for the preschool crowd to work on letters this summer.


    How it works:

    You focus on one letter for a whole week. My daughter’s attention span for this kind of thing is about 15 minutes right now, which IMO is an ideal amount of time as it’s not overwhelming for either of us and easy enough to squeeze in after breakfast before we leave the house, or in the evening after work.

    Lunes – Introduce the letter and brainstorm examples. We normally follow pretty much the same script: “Mi nombre es ___ y soy la letra de la semana. El sonido que hago es ___ y en inglés soy ___.” Then we think of words that start with that letter and write them down.

    Martes – Recolectamos. We look for things around the house or outside that start with the letter.

    Miércoles – Buscamos. We search for uppercase and lowercase examples of the letter in any print materials we have a la mano (junk mail, magazines, books, pretty much anything will work here).

    Jueves – Escribimos. Mainly this involves me drawing a big letter and having her fill it in with watercolors or crayons (and one time with beans!). This summer I might try to have her do more writing/tracing.

    Friday – Get crafty. I’m not naturally a very crafty person but for the sake of my kids I’m trying to be a little more creative. There are hundreds of ideas on Pinterest, and a quick Google search pulled up this, this and this (just to start!).

    My favorite part about this is that since we focus on the same letter all week, if we miss a day here and there it’s not a big deal. And having a set activity for each day makes it easy since I don’t have to figure out what to do— I just have to remember what day of the week it is. 🙂

    And! If you happen to need a dedicated activity to do only in Spanish with your kids, this would fit the bill rather nicely. Let me know if you decide to give it a try!

    (Top photo of Vince and Soph free alphabet printable.)


  • Bilingual Bookworm: How to raise kids who speak, read, and love Spanish as a busy parent

    A couple of months ago, after having lots of conversations (online and in person) about the challenges & rewards of raising bilingual kids, I had a lightbulb moment. Wouldn’t it be nice, I thought, if there was a practical, short guide? With helpful tips and tricks to address the most common concerns I hear from parents raising bilingual niños?

    So I decided to make one! And then spent the next two months deeeep in this research project that, in a totally nerdy way, was super fun for me. I asked for the problems/concerns/challenges parents were facing (if you wrote me back, gracias!). Then I turned to experts in bilingual parenting and literacy and read ALL THE RESEARCH. And, thanks to 18 years of school and a Master’s thesis, I’m pretty great at research (if I do say so myself).

    Finally I put it all together in an email course called “BILINGUAL BOOKWORM.” This course has all the most helpful things I researched. It’s designed to help busy parents raise kids who speak, read and love Spanish, and it’s finally ready to launch!

    Some things you should know:
    1. It’s free (always and forever my very favorite price).
    2. All of the tools, tips and strategies in this e-course are simple, but significant. This means that I didn’t include anything that’s going to complicate your life or add to an already full to-do list.
    3. It’s a three day course and once you sign up, you’ll get one lesson a day delivered right to your inbox with strategies you can put into practice right away. 
    4. It’s packed with hands-on tips for raising bilingual kids who love speaking and reading in Spanish.

    You can sign up here if you’d like. I hope it makes your life easier as the parent of bilingual kids and helps you and your family create many happy reading memories together!


  • How to Read More Books

    Thanks to my job, it’s pretty clear how much I love books. And I hear from a lot of adults that they also love books and reading (book nerds of the world, unite!). But what I also hear often (and feel myself, to be honest) is that even though many of us love to read, we don’t do as much reading as we’d like to or as we used to.

    It’s just hard to squeeze it in sometimes, you know? (Although I’m always amazed at how, when I have a really good book that I can’t put down, suddenly I can find several extra hours a day to read it.)

    If “read more” is on your to-do list or is one of your resolutions, I have a few little tricks that help me get through my ever-growing TBR list. I thought I’d share them here in case they might work for you!

    1. The Kindle app. The Kindle app is the best thing that ever happened to my reading. I resisted getting a Kindle for ever (“it’s just not the saaaame as a book with real pages!”) until my partner, Josh, convinced me that my piles of grad school reading would be so much easier if I had one. Post-grad school, I don’t read so much on my Kindle anymore because I never remember to charge it (#adulting), but if I have a book in my Kindle app on my phone, it’s sooo much easier to resist the siren song of mindless Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest scrolling. I go straight to the book instead.
    2. Skim, skim, skim. The Internet is full of so many interesting things to read! But skimming is your friend here. Most things don’t really require an in-depth read (same goes for magazines).
    3. Read on your break. A while back I read something that’s really stuck with me as the primary caregiver of small children. It was something to the effect of: claim your breaks! Meaning, a normal office-type adult worker gets a couple of short breaks and maybe an hour for lunch every day, during which she/he doesn’t have to work. So (theoretically at least) I also aim for a couple of short, child-free breaks while I’m home with the girls every day. Sometimes this looks like me standing next to the pantry speed-stuffing graham crackers into my mouth while I procrastinate trying to make naps happen… but on my better days I crack a book and read for 20 minutes while my kids entertain themselves.
    4. Have a few different books you can read. This one probably depends on the person—I know some people are “one book at a time” readers—but for me it helps to have at least a couple of books that I’m reading at the same time. That way, I can read whatever I’m in the mood for at the moment. Sometimes, if you only have one book there and you’re not interested in it, you’ll just not read. And at least for me, it’s so much easier to make time to read something that I’m enjoying rather than something I’m kind of slogging through (this is the part where I confess that I have one book I’ve been reading for A YEAR. It’s not even a long book! Or a bad book! I just can’t seem to finish it).
    5. Keep a reading list a la mano. One of the most frustrating things is to suddenly find yourself with time to read but then realize you have no idea what to read. And for me at least, because I have limited reading time, I definitely want to make sure I’m not wasting it on mediocre books. So keep a reading list! And (very important) keep it on-hand. I use the Notes app on my phone so that it’s easy to pull up if I’m in the library or in the airport about to board a flight (the two main times I panic-search for a book).

    I think about adult reading a lot, mainly because I think about kid reading a lot. And one thing I know for sure is that it’s super important to model reading for your chiquitos because of course, if they don’t see you doing it, they probably won’t think it’s that great, either.

    And it’s not just about the kids, either—reading is fuuun! I mean, tell me what’s more pleasant than an hour spent with a great book on the couch while it rains outside / in the hammock in the sunshine / in bed on a lazy Saturday? NOTHING, that’s what.

    I’d love to hear what helps you read more books! I’ve also heard of people keeping track of how many books they read each year, which is something that I haven’t tried but I think would be super interesting (or maybe more like “oh desilusión,” not sure).


  • Phenomenal Picture Books Featuring Afro-Latinx Characters

    The first time I ever heard or thought about the concept of Afro-Latinx was when I was in college (the small town in Chihuahua, Mexico where I grew up was pretty homogenous). My junior year, I left the U.S. to do a summer internship in Honduras where I made some great Afrohondureño friends. When I came back to the States, I realized that I knew tons of people that identified as both Black and Latinx—I always just paid attention to their Latinx side!

    Since starting Sol Book Box, one of my goals has always been to find books that act as “mirrors” for kids, the kind where they can read authentic stories that reflect their own lives and families. My revelatory experience from all those years ago has been on my mind as we’re about to start Black History Month, because I don’t know about you, but I don’t often see Afro-Latinxs featured during this month that we celebrate achievements by Black people in U.S. history.

    I definitely don’t want my kids to be in college before they realize that lots of people are BOTH Black and Latinx (a Pew Research Center survey of Latinx adults shows that one-quarter of all U.S. Latinxs self-identify as Afro-Latinx, Afro-Caribbean, or of African descent with roots in Latin America), so I thought I’d go on the hunt for great books in Spanish that feature an Afro-Latinx protagonist to read this February. And then I decided I needed to share here!

    Best picture books with Afro-Latinx characters

    You should know that I never recommend books that I haven’t personally read with my kids and enjoyed. These 7 books highlighting Afro-Latinx characters are the ones that made the cut!

    Lola by Junot Diaz (Spanish), also in English as Islandborn

    Most of the kids in Lola’s class are “from somewhere else.” When their teacher assigns them a project to draw a picture of the place where their families immigrated from, Lola is excited– until she realizes she doesn’t remember The Island, because she left when she was just a baby. So she draws on the memories of family and friends to discover the place where she’s from. This is a beautiful and sensitive story of culture, identity and belonging.

    Blanca Nieve y los siete gigantones by Yanitzia Canetti (Spanish)

    If you’ve been reading for a minute you already know that I’m a huge fan of Yanitzia Canetti’s “Había otra vez” series. This book reimagines Blanca Nieve as una niña “con los ojos rasgados y de color caramelo, su piel como chocolate y muy crespo su pelo,” and replaces the forest with a tropical island. It’s one of my favorites because of Canetti’s rhymes, which are precise, musical, and hilarious. (Also it doesn’t hurt that in this version Blanca Nieve tells the dwarfs they can do their own housework, and later informs the prince that while she’s grateful he saved her life, she can’t reciprocate his love until she gets to know him a little better!)

    Última parada de la calle Market by Matt de la Peña (Spanish)

    This book has won all kinds of awards, and happily the Spanish translation was exceptionally well done and retains the magic of the English version. Every Sunday after church, Jackson and his grandma, Nana, board the bus to go to la calle Market. Jackson has a lot of questions: Why don’t they have a car like his friend Colby? How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town? Nana, who with every answer encourages Jackson to see the beauty of the city and the people they encounter, is one of my very favorite children’s book characters. (I’m also rather partial to the heavily tattooed man on the bus who spends the whole time looking at his cell phone, ha!). Definitely a can’t-miss book for any list featuring

    Nochecita by Yuyi Morales (Spanish)

    This gorgeous book is the perfect bedtime story, with its palette of rich purples, blues and reds. I was hooked from the first line: “Al final del largo día, Madre Cielo llena la tina con estrellas fugaces y llama, ‘¡Hora de bañar a Nochecita!’” Both the images and the imagery are gorgeous, and I really loved the sweet relationship between the mother and her daughter (who insists on a little round of hide and seek before bedtime). This book also won a bunch of awards, ¡muy bien merecidos! Definitely a can’t-miss book for any list of Afro-Latinx centered stories.

    Letras al carbón by Irene Vasco (Spanish)

    In Palenque, a small town in Colombia, nobody (except the shopkeeper) knows how to read or write. But when our protagonist’s older sister, Gina, begins to receive letters from Miguel Ángel—who had visited the small town previously—the girls’ need to read and discover what these mysterious epistles say gets real. I can never resist a book about reading and books, and I really like the illustrations in this one. Also I like that this book was recommended to me on Instagram, yay for the internet!

    Draw! by Raúl Colón (Wordless)

    This book is technically wordless, but I’m going to go ahead and count it as Spanish! (As a side note, I used to not be a huge fan of wordless picture books because I felt like I was “reading” them in the most boring way ever… but I’ve come around thanks to the fact that I can make them all Spanish and that makes me happy.) This book, about a boy who begins in his room with a sketchbook and ends up drawing all sorts of animals in the jungle, is cute and great for animal lovers (so basically every kid ever).

    Pelé, el rey del fútbol/King of Soccer by Monica Brown (bilingual English/Spanish)

    Ideal for the soccer-loving crowd, and a nice tribute to Pelé, a poor boy from Brazil who grew up to become the world’s greatest soccer star. The text itself is ok (though I must admit I found the random italicized paragraphs weird and distracting), but the illustrations are what really make this book, with high-energy, full-bleed pictures throughout. Brown describes Pelé’s humble background (he and his friends didn’t have enough money to buy a soccer ball so they used a grapefruit; they also couldn’t afford shoes so the soccer team played barefoot), but doesn’t dwell on it.

    I go through periodically and update this list as new books featuring Afro-Latinx protagonists are published, so if you have a recent favorite, I’d love to hear about it!

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  • 5 Spanish Halloween / Día de los Muertos Books to Love

    I’m going to confess something.


    Día de los muertos is not my favorite holiday. There! I said it!

    I’m definitely not opposed to remembering and celebrating our ancestors, of course, but I mean… DEATH. In my family we didn’t build altares covered in flor de cempasúchil (although I did very much enjoy the pan de muertos and my mom, former Spanish teacher, can write a mean calavera). Being from northern Mexico probably contributed to this lackadaisical attitude re: Día de los Muertos festivities (in southern Mexico it’s a much bigger deal and the celebrations are beautiful!).

    However, now that I’m here in the U.S. raising my little mexicanitas I want to make sure they learn about and appreciate this important tradition and that it doesn’t get totally eclipsed by Halloween (also not my favorite holiday, though gaining in favor now that I get to eat all my kids’ Halloween candy).

    And you better believe I want books en español as we celebrate both! Here are my top picks, whether you’re looking to build your collection of Halloween / Día de los Muertos children’s books or just grab a few new titles from the library:

    Board books:

    La Llorona by Patty Rodriguez and Adriana Stein

    Like all Lil’ Libros books, this one has a simple one word/one image per page format and focuses on counting spooky illustrations (rather than the actual story of La Llorona). My tolerance for spooky things is very low, but even I can handle this one!

    Dibuja a la bruja by Monica Campadabal

    This book comes with a pen and invites kids to draw different faces on the witch (sad, surprised, etc.) mirroring the illustration of her making that face on the opposite page. This is a cute little interactive book and I love the unusual shape!

    Boo! / ¡Bu! by Leslie Patricelli

    This is a year-round favorite at our house. The first year my hija mayor was old enough to grasp the concept of carving a pumpkin, she ran to get this book and straight up used it as a manual while supervising the pumpkin-face-carving process (“¡Ahora tienes que hacer la boca así!”).

    Picture books:

    Las zanahorias maléficas by Aaron Reynolds (Spanish)

    I first read the English version of this book (Creepy Carrots!) and was super happy to see there is a Spanish translation! It reminds me of an old-timey horror film, with its ominous black and white illustrations peppered with a pop of orange. El conejito Jasper won’t stop eating carrots, so the carrots decide to go after him! Or is he just imagining things?

    Rosita y Conchita by Erich Haeger and Eric Gonzalez (bilingual English/Spanish)

    Sweetest story of Rosita and Conchita, twin sisters (one living, one dead) who connect on Día de los Muertos. I was sweating for a second thinking I was going to have to explain to my two year old what “se murió” means, but she’s still a little too young to grasp the concept. However, if you DO want to discuss grief or death with young kids, this is the perfect book for it since it focuses more on the sisters’ emotional connection than the sadness of death. This book also goes through every aspect of the altar so it’s great for contextualizing what is traditionally added to ofrendas. (Looks like this one is now a million dollars on Amazon, but I’m leaving it on the list in case you run across it somewhere else!)

    The Day of the Dead / El Dia De Los Muertos by Bob Barner (bilingual English/Spanish)

    In this book we follow two children as they celebrate their ancestors by making an ofrenda of marigolds, sugar skulls, pan de muertos and other delicious foods. This is a basic Día de los Muertos primer with bold, colorful illustrations.


    Funny Bones: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras by Duncan Tonatiuh (English)

    This book isn’t in Spanish, but I couldn’t not include it because it’s pretty great, especially for older kids. It has won all kinds of awards and was on the New York Times Best list for illustrations in 2015. In it, we learn the story of Mexican artist José Guadalupe (Lupe) Posada, who created the calavera (skeleton) illustrations that have now become synonymous with el Día de los Muertos.

    Any of your favorites I missed? Let me know because there are not many books in Spanish out there for these holidays- dear authors and publishers, there’s a market opportunity for you!

    P.S. Three more (newer!) Halloween books in Spanish that we love.