
  • Four Halloween Costumes Inspired by Books

    Happy Halloween! I’ve mentioned before that Halloween is slowly growing on me now that I have kids and get to dress them up (and eat their candy after they go to bed). Today I thought I’d share a few ideas for Halloween costumes that were inspired by our favorite books!

    First up is a mini Frida, delighted by life and Monica Brown’s darling book “Frida Kahlo Y Sus Animalitos.” Eyebrows on point, right?

    My favorite kinds of costumes are the ones I can cobble together with things from around the house (preferably with no sewing required). So I’m totally counting these skeleton PJs inspired by “Esqueletitos,” our favorite Halloween and Día de los Muertos book!

    Hay un ratón en la casa” is a very sweet little interactive book, and we paired it with this little mouse that’s even sweeter!

    And last but not least, we have Caperucita Roja reading “Caperucita descolorida,” which was one of the very first books in Spanish we were given when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. Two and a half years (and hundreds of picture books) later, it’s still one of my favorite Spanish children’s books of all time!

    I really love all of these books, and this little exercise has filled me with so many costume ideas for next year! Which children’s books do you think would make the best Halloween costumes for your kiddos?

    *Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that if you click a link and make a purchase I may get a (very) small commission. It won’t change how much you pay for an item.


  • Why Dad Should Read the Bedtime Story

    We’re all about Papá this month (although honestly, with two little daddy’s girls, it kind of feels like we’re all about Papá year-round at the Sol casita). So! I just had to share this little tidbit I came across: a Harvard University study that found that kids who enjoy story time with Dad have better-developed language skills than kids who were read to by just Mamá.

    Muy interesante, right? Our little bookworm is an equal-opportunity demander of stories, so at our house reading is a task that we share (which is lucky, since it’s one of the most enjoyable child-related tasks in my opinion).

    In case you’re as curious as I was to know why exactly kids get so much out of reading with Dad (my hypothesis was facial-hair related, which I am sorry to report has nothing to do with it), here it is: it’s because men tend to inspire more “imaginative discussions” by using abstract and complex language.

    What does this look like in real life? Well, it basically means that moms tend to focus more on the details of the book, asking things like “How many balls do you see?” and having kids identify colors. Dads on the other hand are more likely to say something like, “Oh, check out that ladder. Do you remember when I used the ladder to climb on our roof?” This of course is phenomenal for kids’ language development because they have to use their brains a little more to reply.

    ¿Como la ven? I definitely recognized the counting/labeling/identifying thing as something that I as a mom do alllll the time. So there you have it, one great big reason for Papá to up his story-reading quota!