• Guadalajara

    Finding muchos tesoros for you all at the Feria Internacional del Libro today! Heaven… I’m in heaven. 🙂


  • We won!

    When I first dreamed up the idea to bring Spanish children’s books to bilingual families, it stemmed mostly from my own passion to make sure my kid(s) were raised to be bilingual. So many of the opportunities I’ve enjoyed (career-wise and personally) have come around because of the languages I speak, and I’m grateful that my own […]


  • Pitch #2

    Last night I went among a talented group of Latino entrepreneurs who all completed a week-long bootcamp at Seed Spot with me and I was one of three lucky new business owners chosen as a finalist for Univision’s Vendeme Tu Sueño competiton!    


  • Seed Spot

    One of the very best parts of the “Véndeme tu sueño” contest is Univision Arizona’s partnership with Seed Spot, an incubator that works hard to accelerate entrepreneurs that are solving important social problems. And one of the very best weeks of 2016, for me, was spent at Seed Spot’s Boot Camp in May with 13 […]


  • Véndeme tu sueño

    So, ok, I wanted to start this business. I had big dreams of a subscription service that would bring curated and VERY carefully chosen Spanish books to bilingual families every month, along with other book-themed items that would celebrate all of the different cultures and traditions under the Latinx umbrella. I also had zero idea […]


  • La idea

    When my daughter Leila was born, my husband and I agreed that it was very important for us that she speak Spanish. I grew up in Mexico, and my husband’s Ecuadorian family speaks Spanish in their home in NJ. We had both seen all too often how family ties often suffered when family members struggled to communicate […]