• 5 Tips for Traveling with Small Children

    I grew up in a town three and a half hours from the nearest airport, so long road trips were pretty standard for my family growing up. Now that I have my own kids, we alternate flying across the country to visit my in-laws and driving to Mexico to visit my family. We recently made […]


  • 4 Books for Father’s Day

    Here is how it works in my family: my dad reads a book, then he lends it to my grandpa, who eventually passes it on to my uncle or my brothers. Sometimes it makes its way through the women in our family too, if it doesn’t have lots of swearing. 🙂 The men in my […]


  • Bilingual Bookworm: How to raise kids who speak, read, and love Spanish as a busy parent

    A couple of months ago, after having lots of conversations (online and in person) about the challenges & rewards of raising bilingual kids, I had a lightbulb moment. Wouldn’t it be nice, I thought, if there was a practical, short guide? With helpful tips and tricks to address the most common concerns I hear from parents […]


  • My Moment of Doubt

    We were in the living room when it happened. “You know, [name omitted to protect the innocent] is just like you were when you were a kid—he’s completely bilingual! His English and Spanish are both really good.” We were visiting my aunt and one of my family members made this offhand comment. It came on […]


  • How to Read More Books

    Thanks to my job, it’s pretty clear how much I love books. And I hear from a lot of adults that they also love books and reading (book nerds of the world, unite!). But what I also hear often (and feel myself, to be honest) is that even though many of us love to read, […]


  • Four Ways to Be Consistent about Teaching Your Kid Spanish

    A few weeks ago I asked for your biggest struggles as you raise bilingual niños. I got soooo many insightful and thought-provoking answers, but one issue came up over and over. People used different words, but basically it boiled down to: “My kid is doing great! The problem is… ME. I have a really hard […]


  • The Crazy Easy Way to Help Your Kid Speak Like a Genius

    It was dinnertime and we were playing a vocabulary game with our toddler. “¿Qué palabras empiezan con ____?” We were asking her to think of words that started with different letters of the alphabet. Here’s what she came up with: A: anillo U: uva S: sigilosa O: oculista When she busted out those last two, […]


  • Want to Raise Bilingual Kids? Let’s Talk!

    “She only answers in English.” “He only wants to read low-quality TV character books— ¡y en inglés!” “My kids’ grandparents are native Spanish speakers, but will only talk to my kids in (not wonderful) English.” In conversations I’ve had with friends, subscribers and others in this fantastic tribe of people raising bilingual readers, the same […]