• #3before3, a Parenting Hack!

    Mom reading to her three daughters.

    Of all the things I thought I would do as a parent, reading to my kids was for sure top of the list. But can I confess something? I definitely thought I would be a “bedtime stories” type of mom and so far… I’m kind of not?  At this very moment, my kids are newly-6, […]


  • Best Spanish Books with Black Characters

    I always feel so lucky to be a mom in what I think is the golden age of children’s literature. Libros en español? Check. Books with Black or Afro-Latinx protagonists? Check. Spanish books with Black characters? Check! While there still aren’t NEARLY enough books centering POC characters, and there’s definitely a reason we have the […]


  • The Fun Mama Challenge

    For the past few weeks I’ve found myself reading books with titles like How to be a Happier Parent, Joyful, and The Happiness Project. Partly this was for the self-help aspect (not everyone’s jam, but I like it!); after all, a COVID winter when the pandemic has already dragged ON and ON is no picnic.   But mostly it […]


  • A Few of my 2021 Goals

    I don’t think there’s anyone who isn’t rather excited to put 2020 behind them and move on to a fresh new year. And since we were home for the holidays this year, I had a lot of time to plan and think through what I’d like to learn and accomplish in 2021.   Setting goals is […]


  • Gifts for Girls: What We’re Giving Our Hijas for Christmas

    I like a gift guide as much as the next person! But what I find MOST helpful is hearing what real parents are actually wrapping and putting under the tree for their families. So I thought I’d share some gifts for girls– the ones we’ll be giving our three daughters for Christmas this year! Also… […]


  • Best Spanish Board Books

    Los mejores libros de cartón en español

    Is there anything sweeter than little board books all set up in the nursery, just waiting for a baby to love (and slobber on) them?  Today I’m sharing the very best Spanish board books, the ones that all three of my babies have loved. Several of these are translations of English books, BUT they’re so […]


  • 5 Ways to Find Alegría in One Minute or Less

    Ways to find alegría

    Are you ok? If there’s any question that will define 2020 in my mind, it’s this one. The other day I came across this: according to researchers who analyze emotions expressed on Twitter, 2020 is the saddest year in the 13 years since their study began, setting multiple “saddest day ever” records). We’re not only […]


  • (Virtual) Hispanic Heritage Month

    There are a lot of things to love about September: cooler weather, sending the kids back to school (well, maybe not SENDING them to school this year but you know what I mean), bouquets of newly sharpened pencils…  And one thing that I ESPECIALLY love about September is celebrating 1) Mexican Independence Day, which we […]


  • 3 Ways to Make Learning Fun

    In the past few weeks I’ve picked up three new books on how to help children learn as I navigate this pandemic-homeschool season. And one thing they’ve all pointed out is this: the best way for kids to learn is if you make it fun. Which, like, of course! But when there’s homework to be […]


  • What we’re using for Bilingual Homeschool

    Resources for biligual homeschool on a table.

    2020 is the year this sentence became normal: “How are your kids going back to school this year?”  So many options we never even considered before! Virtual, in-person, hybrid and… homeschool. We chose that last option and are embarking on a bilingual homeschool journey (which is a sentence I never—¡NUNCA!—thought I’d write!).  I am clearly […]