Every once in a while I like to share some things I’ve been loving lately. Here are three recent favorites! 

Little girl looking at Hatch Rest light

Once upon a time, I had a toddler of the sleep-despising variety. For months and months, she woke up between 5-5:45 am, no matter what time we put her to bed. I had noticed a friend recommend the Hatch Rest several times, but we already had a sound machine and my girls didn’t use a nightlight so I wasn’t on board to invest. 

One day, in desperation, I bought it and OH EM GEE. After we’d had it a few days, I sent my friend a text full of exclamation points and that one emoji with the brain (you know, the one that means “mind blown”). One of the first nights we had it, both of my kids slept till 7 am which is basically unheard of in this house. I am pretty sure the “wave” noise has magical sleeping properties, for real. 

These days, the girls take turns picking a color for the light each night (which is exciting timez for the toddler & preschooler set), and then they know that they aren’t supposed to come out of their room until the light turns white in the morning at 6:30. Now that said toddler is acting like she’s going to give up her afternoon nap (noooo!), it’s also super useful so she knows when nap time/quiet time is over.

I highly recommend this product to set your kids up for sleep success! 


After the obligatory 6 weeks postpartum that I wasn’t exercising after the baby was born this summer, I really wanted some sort of program to follow to get back in the swing of moving my body. Normally I just cobble together workouts that I can do at home, but I felt like during this postpartum time I needed some guidance to get strong again without beating up a body that’s been pregnant three times in the last 5 years.  

Also, I needed something with a short time commitment because that’s all I have in this season of many small kids with all the needs. 

The Momma Strong membership has been so perfect for all of this! The workouts are only 15 minutes long (but you really do get a workout!) and she focuses heavily on the core and pelvic floor muscles which is crucial for most moms to get strong again. Also, the membership is only $5 a month which is ridiculously affordable. 

Andy Warhol eating cereal with his mother.

I feel like cereal is kind of a random thing to put on here, but I’ve had to force myself to eat different breakfasts because all I want is this on repeat, so here we are. I have it with almond milk and cut up some of those amazing fall Honeycrisp apples to put in it and it’s delightful every single time. I’ve only ever seen it at Costco (although while looking for a link I found the cereal on Amazon in case you’d like to spend way too much money on a box of cereal, yikes). 

Any recent favorites on your end? I want to hear what you’re loving right now!

Photo of Andy Warhol eating cereal by Ken Heyman/Time Life Pictures / Getty Images