Are you a podcast listener? I LOVE podcasts and am a total evangelist for my favorite ones (although I sadly haven’t been able to convince Josh, my partner, to get on the podcast bandwagon so maybe not such a great evangelist?). I like listening to them while I do things like sweep and tidy up the nursery because it’s nice to learn and be inspired as I put the toy school bus back in its place for the 15th time that day.

As a new mom a couple of years ago, podcasts were also my best friends as I navigated the sudden isolation that came with maternity leave and going from working in an office everyday to going hours and hours without seeing another adult.

However! When we decided that we would only speak Spanish at home with our babies, I quickly realized that pretty much all of my favorite podcasts were in English. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I always feel like it’s a nice little bonus Spanish for the girls when they hear it on the radio or on TV, so I’m constantly on the hunt for great podcasts in Spanish that I can listen to while they’re around.

Here are three great ones if you, too, need a little español in your podcast faves list:

IF YOU’RE An entrepreneur
LISTEN TO Libros para Emprendedores
WHY IT’S AWESOME There are so many great books written to inspire and educate entrepreneurs, and I want to read all of them! Really I do! But given that there are only so many hours in the day, it’s nice when you can get a summary of the biggest lessons that you can immediately apply to your business. That’s what this podcast is: a summary of some really great self-help/marketing/business books, delivered in a quick and entertaining way. Luis Ramos’ style is a bonus for me, because although he’s Spanish he lives in Mexico, and does his podcast in a way that reminds me so much of my favorite radio host in Chihuahua.

IF YOU’RE Interested in Latin American stories and storytellers
LISTEN TO Radio Ambulante
WHY IT’S AWESOME Radio Ambulante is distributed by NPR, so you know it’s quality journalism. This podcast tells Latin American stories in Spanish from all over the American continent (including the United States), and I love getting a little peek at the different accents and cultures of people from all these different countries. This one is just beautifully produced, too– the sound editing, the journalistic bent, all of it is phenomenal.

IF YOU’RE Looking for a podcast that discusses national Latino news and culture
WHY IT’S AWESOME This podcast is on every “best podcasts for Latinx” list you’ll read, and for good reason! It’s NPR’s only radio program focusing on Latinx and it’s been around for 20 years (!). Their episodes cover everything from parenthood to Latinos in hip-hop to the origins of MS-13 (aka Mara Salvatrucha, the international criminal gang). This one TECHNICALLY isn’t in all Spanish, but guests and hosts often do speak Spanish (and Spanglish) and besides, I couldn’t leave it out of a list of my favorite podcasts because 1) I love it so much and 2) I want to be BFFs with Maria Hinojosa, the host.

I’d love to hear more suggestions because I’m always on the hunt! Any wonderful Spanish podcasts you’ve been listening to lately?

(Photo of Maria Hinojosa by Caroline Yang, via MPR News)