A few years ago, I wrote a post all about some favorite Spanish poetry books for kids (it’s one of the most popular posts on this blog!). 

But since then I’ve discovered MORE beautiful Spanish poetry books, so in honor of National Poetry Month this April I thought I would share a couple of them here. 

Early on in the COVID pandemic, I read one homeschooler’s impassioned article in defense of “Poetry Tea Time.” I knew my kids would get a kick out of at least the tea cups and the snacks, and while I was fully prepared for them to be less excited about the poetry, it’s actually been really sweet how much they love it. We’ve adapted this practice to just general “fiesta de lectura,” (any book will do!), but when I remember to pull out poetry books I feel very virtuous and pleased with myself, haha. 

Little girl reading Spanish poetry books for kids.

These books below are a phenomenal resource!


Poemas para niños chicos

We have the kindle version of this one, and while I wish we had a hardcover (team paper books forever), it’s kind of nice to be able to pull out little poems on the go. (Not that we go places these days (#pandemic) but soon!) During the month of April I’m trying to read a poem (with the kids or by myself) each day, and who better to read than one of the most important Spanish poets and dramatists of the 20th century!

Bichopoemas y otras bestias

This book (divided in sections of animals that are “voladores,” “acuáticos,” “reptadores” and “rugidores”) is also so wonderful! The rhymes are fun, and very kid-friendly. The vocabulary in this book is also fairly simple, so it’s a good one for younger kids and beginning readers. This one has really interesting illustrations all done in collage! 


I hope this is helpful! I’m excited to really dive into poetry this month and I’m always happy to include the kids, too. And as always I’d love to hear about any of your favorites! 

P.S. Here’s that earlier roundup of poetry books in Spanish again, in case you’d like to see some others we’ve loved.