For the past few weeks I’ve found myself reading books with titles like How to be a Happier ParentJoyful, and The Happiness Project. Partly this was for the self-help aspect (not everyone’s jam, but I like it!); after all, a COVID winter when the pandemic has already dragged ON and ON is no picnic.  

But mostly it was because in my work supporting other parents raising bilingual children (specifically in BILINGUIFY!), I teach that the best way to help kids love speaking and reading in Spanish is to make it fun. And the more I researched ways to do that, the more I became interested in how to be a more fun and joyful mamá in general.

So, based on the copious notes I had taken about joy and happiness—drumroll please!—the #funmamachallenge was born! 

The fun mama challenge is a FREE 5-day group-effort (Feb. 1 – Feb. 5) to invite more felicidad into our lives. Each day we’ll focus on a different aspect of joy (play! color! ritual! ) and share simple, happiness-boosting ways to use it in our life. 

What has become so clear after reading all the things about joy, is that being a joyful mom has so much more to do with the simple, doable, fit-it-into-the-everyday gestures than the grand ones. I hope you’ll check out the free fun mama challenge by clicking the button below, because JOY IS GOOD FUEL! And this just may be the reset your home needs. 

You can get more details and sign up here, if you’d like!

After all, I think most of us feel that these ARE “the good old days.” This period—this time we have with everyone packed into the same house, where all our little lives are so very intertwined—it’s short in the grand scheme of things. This pandemic season will end; the kids will grow up. That’s all the more reason to make these days feel as beautiful now as they will seem in hindsight. 

I hope you join us!

P.S. 5 ways to find alegría in one minute or less.