Reading aloud to baby

¡Hola y feliz 2019!

How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? I LOVE THEM. I know not everyone does, but I’m very into making a list of goals and projects and planning for the 12 months ahead.

This week I picked up a copy of the book “The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids” from the library and it made one goal shoot to the top of my list: reading aloud to my kids. 

I feel strange telling you that because, hello, I own a children’s book company. But the truth is that between non-stop travel over the holidays and a new baby on the way, lately I haven’t been as consistent about reading to my girls as I normally am. 

Buuuut while I was reading my new book (basically a manifesto on why reading aloud to our kids is pretty much the most important thing we can do with our time and energy), I came across this:

“I read aloud to my kids because I know that my years with them are short. Because I long for a deep, soulful, real connection with each of them. When my head hits the pillow each night, I want to know that I have done the one most important thing: I have fostered warm, happy memories and created lifelong bonds with my kids— even when the rest of life feels hard. 

These are moments we will never regret. Even better, these are moments our kids will treasure for the rest of their lives.”


I hope this new year brings lots of opportunities for reading aloud with your little ones and lots of great books to your home. (And if you need a little help finding children’s books in Spanish, well, I’ve got your back ;)).