There are a lot of things I didn’t realize before starting Sol Book Box. For example, I didn’t know that every year, the Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL for short) happens. It’s the second largest book fair in the world, and is a huge deal in the Spanish-speaking world o’ books.

When I was trying to figure out how to bring books to Sol Book Box subscribers, the most important thing to me was sending books that would really be worth it for my subscribers. To me, this meant books that were phenomenally written (or well translated), books that were either new releases or classics that every bilingual kid needed in his/her library, books that were beautiful.

The first thing you should know about the FIL is that it’s ENORMOUS. The Expo Guadalajara convention center where it’s held is massive, and for nine days every year it’s filled with booth after booth, exhibitors from all over the world displaying more books than I’ve ever seen in one place in my life.

It was heaven.

It was also kind of crazy. For days I was there for hours, talking to representatives from publishing houses and distributors, picking up stacks and stacks of books to read in a corner. And when I emerged, tired but victorious, I had catalogues and notes and business cards and yes, a whole suitcase full of books.

And while not all of the books I’ve sent have been FIL finds (I’ve been lucky to work with some fantastic authors and imprints based here in the U.S.!), the process is always the same: they’re chosen with love.